Monday, June 23, 2008

Please Mom, Can I Stay Home and Work?

My little black beetle will be one of these cars stuck in never-ending traffic by October.

One of the 3 nice things about living where I do now is my short commute to work. The freeway is right next to my house, and I work off of the first off-ramp. Neat huh? It's not short enough that I could ride my bike, but it's a pretty short commute, as far as commuting goes.

The Mr. and I are looking to move this October a bit farther away, and the only real bummer will be my 10 minute drive to work. Boo. Simple option - telecommuting. Cuts down on traffic and gasoline, which cuts down on oil shortages, pollution, and traffic grumpiness. Since I do internet marketing, everything I need to access can be accessed at home. Even if I just worked from home one day a week, I'd save 7,000 trees a year. Yes, I did just make up that statistic because I work in marketing, not science, and don't know how many trees I'd actually save. My guess is that it would be a lot.

Anyway, telecommuting would be a great option. There is absolutely nothing, except getting face time with people, that I couldn't just do at home.

Here's a great article about the joys of telecommuting on TreeHugger. So please people, call my boss and let her know that this is really in everyone's best interest.

Oh, and the other top two things about living where I live:

2. Lizards
3. Bumble Trees (aka really pretty trees filled with angry bees). Maybe I should think of a new #3.

1 comment:

CSP said...

Best part of this entry... "Yes, I did just make up that statistic because I work in marketing, not science"

I literally LOL'd

<3 you