Monday, September 8, 2008

Politics Shmolitics

I'm already sick of writing about politics, mostly because I just get heated when I talk about them.

So on my last political rant of the week (unless something interesting happens), I just want to state my utter annoyance with the publicity of Sarah Palin.

Fox ran a TV special on her last night called: Sarah Palin: An American Woman. Wow Fox Republicans, way to just call it like you see it. What are the qualities that make her an American woman besides her birthright? Her anti-abortion stance? The fact that she wants to drill for oil or her love of guns? Why didn't you run an Obama: An American Man special?

Basically I'm upset because all of the publicity that Sarah Palin is getting is appealing to the stupidity of America that is going to say, "Wow, a mom AND a politician. Amazing. And she's good looking. Let's vote for her because I can relate to working and having a family. Plus Hillary Clinton is out of the race, so she's like a stand-in."

JOHN MCCAIN IS GOING TO DIE. This means that Sarah Palin's inexperienced self will be YOUR PRESIDENT. That's a scary thought.

I'm sick and maybe just rambling. I will concede that Sarah Palin is nice looking and probably very personable. That doesn't mean that she should be president. Carmen Electra should not be our next president just because she is attractive and inspires women to work out.

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