Friday, December 12, 2008

Commercials These Days Are Gross

Whatever happened to the days of cute cartoon animals and Emmanuel Lewis selling me products? Due to my latest insomniac episode, I've seen some of the best and (mostly) worst commercials.

Worst (Not in any particular order):

1. The Charmin Bears - I don't get why it's ok to see a bear pooping in the woods and getting toilet paper stuck to its butt. It's gross. I love bears, but bears don't make it cool to poop.

2. The XBox "Live Your Moment" Commercials:

Smiling, vacant people with only half of head since there's already a band or a family living in the back of his head. My husband has an XBox and honestly, I fear it. Nobody wants that! I haven't read the instruction manual, but if it's listed anywhere "XBox 360 may cause half of your head to fall off and a random band to come live in it" I'm moving out. Sorry honey.

3. The "Marijuana Hurts" Campaign:

A cute little boy starts getting smoldering holes in his neck and wrist, and then his eye. He opens the door to see his sister smoking a joint. AHA! Marijuana hurts the people around you!

I'm sure if marijuana was so bad that it actually caused physical burn marks to people in your family that very few people would smoke it, even if it made Pink Floyd's The Wall and The Wizard of Oz seem to synch up. Nothing is that cool.


Amish made "Heat Surge" Fireplace:

Because even the Amish get cold. I'm pretty sure this only comes on at 3 in the morning, but if you ever get a chance to see this infomercial please tape it. It features the hard-working Amish people making fireplace mantles that are then used with flameless fireplaces.

2. The Slanket:

It's a blanket with arms, and if you wear it while standing you look like a monk.