Monday, September 1, 2008

Bristol Palin is Knocked Up

In a scandal which will probably be unfortunately "blown over" because of Hurricane Guztav, Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol is knocked up.

If you search for Bristol Palin on the internet, you'll see that there are tons of stories out there saying that Sarah Palin's youngest child, Trig, is really Bristol's. If you look at pictures of both Sarah and Bristol during that time period, you'll see that Sarah does not look even slightly pregnant, and Bristol looks like a whale. After this story broke, all of Bristol's pictures during this time were taken down from Sarah Palin's website. Also, Bristol apparently missed at least 6 months of school during this time due to "mono".

Now it's being reported that Bristol is now 5 months pregnant and keeping it.

Sarah Palin is anti-abortion and pro-abstinence. She preaches family values and thinks that education about not having sex is better than education about safe sex. Kids will have sex, that's a given. It's just hilarious to me that her own stupidity is slapping her in the face, especially during the convention.

I really hope that this story gets the coverage that it should so that people see the importance of teaching their children about safe sex and how not to get pregnant, instead of skipping over the facts and telling people not to have sex - it's not going to happen. And that doesn't make youngsters having sex a good thing, it's just a reality.


Here's just one of many links:


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